Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Photographer Bronek Kozka goes to Mars

My photographers are keeping very busy this month. In between commercial work it seems like everyone is also exhibiting their creative works (check out show details for Heather Dinas and Jeremy Blincoe)!

Now, in between completing commissioned work for some of the country's most well-known organisations, lecturing and donating works (phew, I'm already exhausted), photographer Bronek Kozka joins them with his own display. From August 24 to September 18 2011 his new images can be found at the MARS Gallery, 418 Bay Street in Port Melbourne.

The photographs look at personal memories of living in suburbia. Bronek speaks about a feeling that may be familiar to many of us, "The idea of holding on to memories is also of great interest to me. In our lives we often attempt to document all aspects of our lives, snapping photos, recording videos and now, endlessly posting our activities and whereabouts on Facebook and the like. The thought of losing our memories and our history terrifies us. In losing these memories, we fear losing who we are."

Bronek will be hosting a floor talk on Saturday August 27, 3pm at the gallery. It's free but you have to RSVP to

'EH Holden' 2008 by Bronek Kozka

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