Friday, May 28, 2010

Airfreight Just Landed

Emmanuel Giraud - MBB fashion photographer has kept himself busy shooting editorials for his online magazine Tangent. Here's a little behind the scenes video of his 'Airfreight Just Landed' shoot for Tangent's 3rd issue 'Bold'. Have a look at the online mag HERE.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Whitehouse Institute Of Design | Lecture.

Today I set out into the city to assist one of our very fine stylists Philip Boon in a lecture about fashion blogging at the Whitehouse Institute of Design. Myself and Candice DeVille from Super Kawaii Mama spoke in two classes giving students an insight of the blogging world and how it can assist their careers in styling. Enjoy the pictures taken throughout the day.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spook Issue #3 | Christian Blanchard

Christian Blanchard recently shot the cover and an editorial piece for the third issue Spook Mag. To get a copy head to your nearest Borders or Magnation.